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Do kids need to brush?

Yes, as soon as their first baby teeth start to come through. When their teeth start to come through, you can then start cleaning them twice a day using the same method to wipe the front and back of each tooth. This will help to remove any trapped food and keep plaque and tooth decay at bay.

As soon as your child doesn’t mind, you can start cleaning with a small, soft toothbrush designed for children under two years. Only use water on the toothbrush until your child is 18 months old, unless otherwise directed by your dental professional.

After 18 months, you can then start to use a small amount of low-fluoride children’s toothpaste in their daily oral care routine.

Do kids need to floss?

Yes. As soon as your child’s baby teeth come through and fit closely together, it is important that you try to floss their teeth daily. This will help to remove any trapped food and keep plaque and tooth decay at bay. As your child develops dexterity, you can teach them the skills to be able to floss by themselves. Developing a healthy habit of flossing at an early age is a great way to establish a strong oral routine which can be continued when their permanent teeth come in.

Why are baby teeth important and how should I care for them?

Baby teeth are very important in ensuring your child’s facial development. Along with helping your child to eat, speak and smile, they also hold space for their jaw and adult teeth to develop.

Even before your baby’s first tooth comes through, you can start cleaning and caring for their gums. Simply dab their gum daily with a clean, damp face cloth or gauze.

When their teeth start to come through, you can then start cleaning them twice a day using the same method to wipe the front and back of each tooth.

As soon as your baby doesn’t mind, you can start cleaning with a small, soft toothbrush designed for children under two years. Only use water on the toothbrush until your child is 18 months old, unless otherwise directed by your dental professional.

After 18 months, you can then start to use a small amount of low-fluoride children’s toothpaste in their daily oral care routine.

When should I book my child in for their first dental appointment?

Whether your child has a mouth full of teeth or just a few coming through, looking after your child’s mouth from an early age is essential for keeping their smile, bright and healthy. We recommend bringing your child in for their first visit within six months of their first tooth coming through or by the time that they turn two years old.

To find out more, please give us a call on 08 9440 4455 or request an appointment with one of our friendly dental professionals to schedule your child’s first dental visit today.

What can I expect at my child’s first dental visit?

Although taking your child to the dentist is necessary for keeping their teeth and gums healthy, we understand that from their perspective, it can be quite a daunting and scary event. To make your child’s visit as comfortable as possible, their first appointment will usually be short and informal, where we will introduce ourselves and help them to feel comfortable and familiar with our practice. Depending on your child’s age and willingness, one of our dentists or hygiene therapists may also have a little look around in your child’s mouth to check for any decay and to make sure their teeth, gums, jaw and bite are all developing correctly.

You may wish to bring a list of questions to your child’s first appointment and one of our dental professionals will take some time to address any queries or concerns that you may have. We will also have a chat to you about establishing good oral hygiene and may clean your child’s teeth if there is any staining or cavities.

What should I do if my child is frightened of going to the dentist?

There are many things you can do to help your child’s first dental visit to be as relaxing and as stress-free as possible.  If your child is feeling particularly anxious, try reading them some picture books about visiting the dentist and doing some role play where they can be the dentist, examining and cleaning one of their toy’s teeth. There are many things you can do to help your child’s first dental visit to be as relaxing and as stress-free as possible.  If your child is feeling particularly anxious, try reading them some picture books about visiting the dentist and doing some role play where they can be the dentist, examining and cleaning one of their toy’s teeth.

Come prepared to your child’s dental appointment with comfort toys and sometimes, the promise of a trip to the playground or a yummy treat after their visit can help your child to stay focused on the positive.

Children are very perceptive so if you feel particularly stressed or anxious about visiting the dentist, then there’s a good chance they will too.  By remaining cool, calm and collected, you’ll be helping to set the same optimistic tone for your child.

How do I know if my child is eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule?

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule provides basic dental to children between the ages of two and 17 years old. To be eligible, your child will need to be:

  • Aged between two and 17 years old on any one day of the calendar year
  • Getting certain government benefits for at least part of the calendar year and;
  • Eligible for Medicare

To read more about the Child Dental Benefits Schedule and to check your child’s eligibility, please visit


What does the Myobrace treatment process involve?

The first step in the Myobrace treatment process is to come in for a chat with one of our Myobrace-trained dental professionals. At this appointment, we will explain to you your options and answer any questions you might have about Myobrace. Once you have decided that you are happy to proceed, we will take some photographs, x-rays and moulds of your child’s mouth in order to create your child’s custom-designed appliances and treatment plan.

At your second appointment, we will then discuss the treatment plan that we have prepared specifically for your child and chat through the associated time, costs, appliances and activities and/or exercises required for treatment. Upon accepting your treatment plan, we will then provide you with your first Myobrace appliance and your Myofunctional exercises and/or activities.

To ensure that your child’s teeth and jaw are moving into alignment as desired, it is important to schedule regular check-ups and reviews with one of our friendly dental professionals. At these reviews, we will examine your child’s mouth, keep a photographic record of their dental development and chat through any questions or concerns you or your child might have.

Why does my child have crooked teeth?

Research has shown that the myofunctional habits we develop at a young age such as thumb sucking, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting and reverse swallowing are the ‘root’ cause of crooked teeth. Allergies, asthma and even bottle feeding during the early stages of a child’s life have also been identified as contributing factors to the problem. If you’d like to find out more, visit for some informative videos on common habits which can result in compromised development of the face.

At what age can my child begin treatment?

The best time to begin treatment is when your child is still growing and their first permanent teeth have come through (usually around six – 10 years old). If your child has developed some poor myofunctional habits at an early age, it may be recommended to commence treatment even earlier.

What are the main differences between Myobrace and other orthodontic treatment?

The main difference between Myobrace and other traditional orthodontic treatments is the Myobrace system’s unique ‘no braces’ approach to straightening your teeth and correcting your jaw. Instead of using wires, ligatures and brackets to place pressure on the teeth to move them into alignment, Myobrace uses a series of comfortable and removable dental appliances that are designed to address the poor dental habits that lead to crooked teeth.

Can adults also undergo Myobrace treatment?

Yes. Although Myobrace is strongly recommended for children under the age of 15 years old, older adolescents and adults are also able to undergo Myobrace treatment. It is worth bearing in mind that as our teeth move much less as we get older; this can make it significantly more difficult to correct crooked teeth with Myobrace at this stage.

What are advantages and disadvantages of Myobrace?

Like any orthodontic treatment, Myobrace does come with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Myobrace works to correct the poor dental habits that impact our jaw development, helping us to reach our full facial potential with the added benefit of straight teeth. By correcting the jaw and straightening the teeth, this can also result in better posture and fewer allergies while lowering their susceptibility to other serious dental problems in the future.

While removable dental appliances are certainly convenient, it is important to remember that they only work when they are inside the mouth! Sometimes it can take children a while to adjust to the appliance and the exercises, so you may experience some resistance.

Every Myobrace treatment plan comes with a colourful booklet and link to access the easy and interactive exercises online. We recommend setting aside some time every day to go through the exercises together. That way, your child can become accustomed and comfortable with routine while also adopting good oral habits that will serve them well into the future.

What happens after the Myobrace treatment is complete?

Once Myobrace treatment is complete, the teeth should remain in their new position due to optimal jaw development and improve habits. Your child will be given a mouth retainer to wear during the day at first and then overnight thereafter to ensure that their teeth and jaw remain in alignment.

Does Myobrace hurt?

No. Unlike traditional braces, Myobrace does not place any pressure on the teeth. Although you may feel a slight sensitivity when the appliance is first inserted, this should ease over a few days.

How can I find out more information on Myobrace?

For more information on Myobrace, visit or come in for a chat with one of our friendly dental professionals. Simply give us a call on 08 9440 4455 or request an appointment online today.

How much does Myobrace treatment cost?

The cost of Myobrace does vary from person to person depending on the treatment required. To find out more about payment options an d rebates, and to assess your child’s suitability for Myobrace, simply give us a call on 08 9440 4455 or request an appointment with one of our friendly dental professionals today.

Do you have any before and after images of Myobrace treatment?

Not right now but we’re working on it! Check back soon for links to the Dental Studio Smile Catalogue.